What to expect

Visiting a new church can be a frightening experience.  What can you expect?  Will people be friendly?  Will the worship be uplifting?  Will the preacher be boring?  Will they accept me?

We try to make it as easy as possible.  You can’t make it into our building without folks greeting you.  Friendliness is one of our values.  We want to make you feel welcome!

Someone will likely hand you a card to fill out.  Mostly, we just want to know how to contact you and what your church background is.  What you want to share with us is up to you.  We won’t hassle you about it.

If you come on a Sunday morning, you will experience how we worship together as a church. 

Here’s a typical worship service for us:

It will begin with a song (all of our singing is congregational in nature—no performances), a welcome by one of the men of the congregation who will read a Scripture or offer a prayer to prepare us for worship. We will sing some more, and then a man  will offer a prayer on behalf of the congregation. 

Following another song (we like to sing!), we will take up an offering.  We don’t want you to feel like you have to give your money to us—feel free to just pass the plate to the next person.  This is just one way we, as followers of Christ, offer our thanksgiving to Him for all the blessings we enjoy. 

Following another song (I told you we like to sing!), we will observe the Lord’s Supper.  There’s nothing mystical about it.  A man of the congregation will help us to think about the death of Christ and why it matters.   Another man will offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the bread, and then we will eat a piece of unleavened bread to remember Christ’s body on the cross.  Another prayer will be offered for the cup (don’t worry, we have many little cup from which to drink), and then we drink fruit of the vine (grape juice) to remember the blood He shed on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.  Following the Lord’s Supper, we will sing another song (did I tell you...nevermind), which is followed by the sermon. 

The sermon usually lasts somewhere between 15-30 minutes.  At the end of the sermon, the preacher will invite anyone who wants to become a Christian (see Core Beliefs), who wants to rededicate their life to Christ, or who just needs the prayers of the church, to come forward and make such known as the congregation stands together to sing a song of invitation. 

Following the song, if there are no responses, a man will make announcements about upcoming events and will also relate specific prayer requests for the church.

Finally, another man will come and offer a closing prayer on behalf of the congregation.